
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year! My Favorite Card Creations for 2013.

Hello Friends.  Happy New Year 2014 to you and your families.  2014 is the year of the horse (Chinese culture); so I thought I would use this picture I found on the Internet.  It also reminded me of card making/scrapbooking. LOL!  I hope everyone is having a fabulous New Year.  Some of you have already celebrated New Year's and others aren't quite there yet.   We still have approx. 5 more hours till midnight.

Here is hoping all of us will have a fabulous and prosperous New Year; including good health, joy, peace, contentment, adventure, fun, happiness, love, trust and see many dreams come true.

I thought I would share my favorite card creations this year.  I had more favorites than I thought; so I narrowed it down to my top 17.  LOL. They are in order from the newest to the oldest; not in order of favorites.  I would love to hear which one is your favorite.  Thanks again for a fabulous 2013. Click on the name to see the post for additional information.  

Thanks for my wonderful followers and customers too.  I look forward to 2014.  I appreciate you stopping by and hope you will check my blog regularly for new creations.  I haven't been too creative the past week; but hopefully I will feel more like it after the New Year begins. 

 Remember - Keep On Creating!!
It's Good For Your Health!! 


  1. We are seven hours into 2014 here in Johannesburg.
    Wishing you a wonderful 2014 and may it be all you want it to be. Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

    1. Thanks Desire! I just updated this blog and added my top 17 favorite cards of 2013 if you want to check it out. I am very grateful for you my friend. Have a fabulous year! Hugs, Gloria

  2. These are all beautiful! Thanks for visiting me and following me! I'm now following you, as well! HUGS and Happy New Year! :) Mynn xx

  3. WOW! What a lovely set of cards. Love all your image and color choice.
    Wishing you a very Happy New year!

  4. Great set of cards! Love them all!
    Happy New Year!!
    Hugs Gerda

  5. I love your top picks, amazing cards!! Hope you have a Happy New Year!! :)

  6. Hi Gloria, A gorgeous selection of your cards. All very different. Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful 2014. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  7. Wonderful display of your past faves Gloria!! :) I can't decide which one/s I like best. Many blessings to you in 2014! xx

    1. Thanks Kris for taking time to look at them. If I have to choose one; it would have to be the yellow anniversary one. Have a wonderful 2014. Hugs, Gloria


Hi to all you wonderful bloggers!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments and support. I would love to have you as a member. Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy my blog. Gloria