
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Blog Celebration Winners - CTMH and Other Prizes

Hello friends.  It is time for my winners of my Blog Celebration.  I am so excited to be able to give these wonderful prizes.  Thanks to all of the fabulous sponsors for being part of my Blog Celebration!  I would not have prizes for overseas followers if it wasn't for my generous sponsors.

Click here for Original Post to see all of the awesome entries for this Blog Celebration. There were also 21 that emailed me or commented; who didn't have a blog.

Congratulations to all of the lucky winners.  Some of you won on my celebration last year; so I think you must be very lucky in winning again.  LOL!  Please email me with your contact information to claim your prize.  I need an address for all the CTMH winners; so that I can mail you your products.  Email me at purpleglocreations (at) socal (dot) rr (dot) com.  Be sure to change the parenthesis to the correct symbol for the email address to work correctly.  

35 Prizes - Numbers were drawn using True Random Number Generator on my blog.  Prizes were also drawn using True Random Number Generator; so that everything is fair.  I wish everyone could have won a prize.  All prizes have been sent and/or claimed.  I added two more extra prizes.  Thanks again for joining my Blog Celebration!  

Drawing for CTMH $25 Hostess Rewards (One ticket per person per $50 or more order) - Names were entered on my Excel spreadsheet in the order they were purchased and assigned a number by Excel#11 Cheryl B. (Claimed)

Facebook "Likes" Drawing -  Names were entered on my Excel spreadsheet in the order they were completed and assigned a number by ExcelCTMH S1504 Typed Note - #11 Bonnie T. (Sent 11/4/15)

Drawings for CTMH and other prizes: I had 113 entries; counting the manual list with no blog. (21 names were added to the current 92 that entered my links.) Please contact me at email above with your address; so I may send your prize.   All prizes have been sent and/or claimed.  I added two more extra prizes.  Thanks again for joining my Blog Celebration!  

1. CTMH Cotton Candy Ink pad , Rub & Remove Eraser, Haunted Assortment -  #73 Annie (Sent 11/9/15)

2. Stamp Set -   CTMH S1504 Typed Note - #72 Alicia O. (Sent 11/4/15)

3. Stamp Set -  CTMH C1533 Fabulous You - #25 Donna E.  (Sent 11/9/15

4. Stamp set -   CTMH C1595 Hello Summer - #100 Marge W.  (Sent 11/9/15)

5. Surprise package -  Sizzix Lace Set Embossing Folder  - #18 Helen T.  (Sent 11/9/15)

6.  CTMH Wishes cardmaking book -  CTMH Wishes book - #109 Mel C. (Sent 11/4/15)

7.  Surprise package – CTMH Quatrafoil Embossing folder and Thank you M stamp - #97 Betty P.  (Sent 11/9/15)

8.  Embossing Folder - CTMH Heart Embossing Folder & Designer Buttons - #37 Darcy S.
(Sent 11/9/15)

9. Stamp set -  CTMH S1502  A Happy Hello  -  #101 Margie T.  (Sent 11/4/15)

10. Spellbinders Die – Tear Drop Circles - #96 Lynn U. (Sent 11/9/15)

11. Stamp - CTMH CC1030  #30 Years of Happy & Brads  - # 93 Cheryl  (Sent 11/9/15)

12.  Stamp Set - CTMH A1148 Bright All Night & W2028  Delicate Wings - #66 Peggie Sue (Sent 11/16/15)

13.  Stamp Set - CTMH A1169 Well Wishes & M1054 XOXO - #33 Carrie S. (Sent 11/10/15)

Digital Prizes From My Fabulous Sponsors (20)  Please contact me at email above.  Do not contact the sponsor.  Thanks. 

Please click on the Sponsors Name and visit their shops to buy their gorgeous creations!  

I have sent notifications to the Sponsors with the winners information and will wait to hear back from them on how to handle their prizes.

Please contact me by email to let me know you have collected your prize.  Thanks.

1.  Imagine That Digis by Kris - $10 Gift certificate - #75 Anne (Claimed)

2.  Imagine That Digis by Kris - $10 Gift certificate - #20 AJ (Claimed)

3.  Fresh Brewed Designs – 1 digi image - #95 Niki1 (Claimed)

4.  Fresh Brewed Designs – 1 digi image - #82 Tindaloo (Claimed)

5.  Sweet Pea Stamps – 3 digi images -  #35 Margaret G.  (Claimed)

6.  Digi Stamps 4 Joy - $5 - #77 Diane Louise (Claimed)

7.  Digi Stamps 4 Joy - $5 - #79 Andree (Claimed)

8.  Ching-Chou Kuik – 1 digi - #55 Bee Bee Babs (Claimed)

9.  Ching-Chou Kuik – 1 digi - #39 Karen C.  (Claimed)

10.  Art by Miran – 3 images - #57 Raineys Craft Room (Claimed)

11.  Art by Miran – 3 images - #90 Rebecca (Claimed)

12.  Dee Dee’s Digis – 2 images ($5 limit) - #21 Mema Crafts (Claimed)

13.  Dee Dee’s Digis – 2 images - ($5 limit) -#31 Naz S. (Claimed)

14.  Whimsy Stamps - $15 gift certificate - #14 Lynn Penguin (Claimed)

15.  Aurora Wings - 1 digi ($5 limit) - #65 Autumn C. (Claimed)

16.  Aurora Wings - 1 digi ($5 limit) - #8 Lisa D (Claimed)

17.  Bugaboo Stamps -  4 digis - #9 Pat M.  (Claimed)

18.  Bugaboo Stamps - 4 digis - #89 Robin C. (Claimed)

19.  Bugaboo Stamps - 4 digis - #91 Trina Flynn  (Claimed)

20.  Bugaboo Stamps - 4 digis - #48 Cathie B.  (Claimed)

Thank you so much for entering my Blog Celebration!  I appreciate all of my fabulous followers.  Thanks to everyone who took the time to "Like" my Facebook page. Thanks to everyone who purchased products from me during my Blog Celebration!  You are the reason I do what I do and love it!  You make it worth the time and effort.  Thanks to all your wonderful comments on my blog for the celebration!

Thank you for stopping by my blog for a visit.  I hope you enjoy my creations.  I appreciate all of you.  Be sure to check out my tabs at the top of the page for my videos, tutorials, clubs, specials and more.   You can earn FREE products by joining one of my clubs.  You earn most of my commission with FREE CTMH products. Call, text or email me with any questions you might have.

Remember - Keep On Creating!! 
It's Good For Your Health!!


  1. Woohoo! Congratulations to all the lucky winners! Fabulous celebration, Gloria! Hope you are feeling better!

  2. Wow! Thank you so much for the chance to join your celebration. And thank you so much for my prize. You are so generous. Congrats to all of the winners!
    xx Bonnie

  3. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

  4. Thank you and congrats to all!

  5. Thank you very much Gloria - Congrats to all the winners!!!

  6. Thank you so much and congratulations to all the other winners...
    Love ~ Lady Anne xx

  7. Just wanted to say I am in awe of your generosity hunnie, in this world of must have it's, the sheer volumn of you generosity shines so bright xxx sending massive hugs x

    1. Thank you so much Sandie; for such a sweet compliment. I love giving prizes and wish I could give everyone something; but my husband wouldn't appreciate it. LOL! Thanks for commenting on here. I really appreciate my followers and love the comments. Have a wonderful day! Hugs

  8. Thank you so much Gloria, I'm thrilled to bits. Congratulations on acheiving over 700 followers and to all the winners xx

  9. Congrats to all! and thank you so much for letting me join in the celebration here on your blog. I am so excited to have won a prize and will be in contact soon.

  10. Wow! Congrats everyone! I'm excited about my prize! :) Thank you for this fantastic hop!!

  11. congratulations to all the winners and thank you Gloria

    Gr Karin

  12. Congratulations to all the winners ;) ;) ;)

  13. Congratulations to all of the winners! And congratulations to you too, Gloria! Sounds like you had a wonderful, fun filled celebration!

  14. Congratulations to all the winners.

  15. Thank you so much !
    Mail is on his way !
    Greetings from Monique ( niki1 )

  16. Congratulations everyone! So thrilled to be named one of your winners ♥

  17. hello Gloria
    thanks so much for your kind words and for following my blog!
    It’s amazing to see how paper, color and some ideas are able to bring people around the world together.
    creative regards

  18. Thank You. Congrats to all the winners.


Hi to all you wonderful bloggers!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments and support. I would love to have you as a member. Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy my blog. Gloria