
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Join My Online Rewards Club - Earn FREE CTMH Products

Start Growing Your Rewards Now

Would you like to earn FREE Close To My Heart Products by just buying what you can afford each month? This club is for you!! You can build your scrapbooking, crafting or cardmaking essentials at your pace without going broke each month and earn FREE CTMH products in the process.

Benefits Of Joining My Online Rewards Club are:
  • Get your FREE CTMH Idea Book when you join.
  • Receive a FREE Gift from me at the end of your club membership term.
  • Refer a friend/friends (no limit) to my Online Rewards Club and receive $10 product credit when they complete their membership.
  • Receive $25 (Or More) in FREE CTMH products at the end of your club membership term.
  • Orders are shipped directly to your door each month.

Join My Online Rewards Club Today
  • Choose the club you are interested in that fits your budget and your needs.
  • Complete the form found on my blog under the tab - "Rewards Club"
  • Place your order each month by the 5th of the month at Click on the link "Join" on the right side of my home page titled "Club orders"
  • If you are unable to complete a month; please let me know before the 5th and I will extend your membership for one month so you won't lose out on your club rewards.
  • The FREE $25 in CTMH products will be earned in your final month of your rewards club membership. You can take orders from friends and family to increase the amount of your FREE Rewards if you choose to do this.
  • You may cancel your club membership at any time; but you will forfeit any earned rewards that you may have earned. You will however; keep the product credits you earn from referring your friends; after they have completed their club membership.
  • You may order $150 or more in any given month to earn additional club rewards. These orders must be emailed to me; not placed online for you to earn the free products.  

Choose a Rewards Club that works best for you and your needs.
  • Club A - Spend $15 a month for 10 months
  • Club B - Spend $20 a month for 8 months
  • Club C - Spend $25 a month for 6 months
  • Club D - Spend $30 a month for 5 months
  • Club E - Spend $40 a month for 4 months
  • Club F - Spend $50 a month for 3 months

You will receive your FREE $25 in Club Rewards (CTMH products) during your final month. If you have any questions; please contact me at

Complete the form located on my blog at the top of the page, under the tab "Rewards Club" after you decide which Rewards Club works best for you. Welcome to my online Rewards Club! I look forward to having you in my club.

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Hi to all you wonderful bloggers!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments and support. I would love to have you as a member. Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy my blog. Gloria