
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Keep you, your family and others safe

Hello Friends!  How are you doing?  I hope everyone is staying safe during this World crisis.  I know many of us feel helpless during this time and don't know what to believe or what to do sometimes.  It is hard to know the truth when there are so many rumors and lies out there.  If you want to know what you can do to help stop the spread of this virus; it is best to check the official CDC site.  Don't trust all the information that you are seeing out there as the truth.  Click here to go directly to Corona Virus information.

Everyone can help reduce the spread of this virus by doing the things asked of us, especially with hand washing and social distancing.  By doing these things, we can prevent someone else from possibly dying. Don't believe it if you hear it is nothing to worry about.  It is a healthcare crisis and we all need to do what we can to stop it before it kills more people.  It isn't just the elderly who are dying.  How would you feel if your spread this virus to someone and they died; especially if it is someone you love?

Please talk to your family and try to teach them what to do and what not to do.  Here is a little analogy someone posted online in a crafting group; that I feel explains the spread of this virus better than anything else I have read.  Please be safe and keep your family safe.

Please stay safe and please do your best to listen to what is being told for you to do to help contain this virus before it's too late.  

The sooner we all do our part, the quicker this virus will be under control and the quicker we can return to our normal life.


  1. That is so well put Gloria. The big thing will be people following Health advisors instructions. I'm certainly staying inside and not going anywhere. Lots of crafting going to get done I think.

  2. So well put and so horrifyingly true. Hugs Mrs A.

  3. Wonderful card and thank you for this post.
    Stay safe.


Hi to all you wonderful bloggers!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments and support. I would love to have you as a member. Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy my blog. Gloria