
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Special Blog Award - Liebster Blog Award

Hello all you wonderful crafters and readers.  It is a great day in Southern California.  I am excited to be giving this award to five very deserving ladies who I appreciate so much.

I was given this lovely award from Carol at  Thank you so much Carol.  Please visit her blog for more inspiration.  It was an honor to be given this award and now it is time to pass it on to 5 blogs that I admire.

I was given this award several weeks ago; but I wasn't feeling well and wanted to take my time and go through my favorite blogs to select those that were appropriate for this award.   I am glad I waited till I felt better and had the time to look through my favorites. 

The  Leibster Blog Award is used to show appreciation of smaller blogs (under 200 followers) and to help spread joy.

'Leibster' comes from the German word meaning 'Dearest' or 'Beloved' but can also mean 'Favourite'.

As part of the tradition, the award is to be passed along to 5 other blogs that have motivated and inspired me.

The rules are as follows:  
  • I must comment on their blog so they know about it.
  • I must link back to the person who gave me the award and thank them as well.
  • I must post the award on my blog.
I have selected the following 5 blogs that I admire who have given me inspiration when I needed it the most.  They are beautiful blogs and their creativity has given me hope and courage to create and post on my own blog to inspire others.

In alphabetical order:

Cathy -
Jennifer -
Robin -
Rose -
Sarah -

I will be notifying each of these lovely ladies and passing the Liebster Blog Award to them.  I hope they enjoy it and pass it on to five other blogs as directed in the rules noted above.  Thanks again Carol.  It was truly an honor to receive this award.


  1. Wow, Gloria. Thanks so much! I'm just honored and humbled that you chose me. :) Have a great day!


    1. You are so welcome!! I love your blog and all your beautiful creations!!! Keep up the great creativity and inspiration to others. I am just happy I was given the honor of passing this award to others as someone did for me. Have a fantastic day!!


Hi to all you wonderful bloggers!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments and support. I would love to have you as a member. Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy my blog. Gloria