
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Hi There Card Using Aurora Wings "Wine Sprite"

Hello Friends.   It is a new year!  Yay!  2018 is now here.  I hope it is a fabulous year for all of you; including me.  So many people are already sick with the flu this year; so be careful out there.  Be sure to get plenty of rest, lots of fluids and stay away from crowds if possible.  

I just got word this morning that my sister, Alice, is in the hospital with a bladder infection and pneumonia.  She has never been in a hospital in her life; so I am sure it is a very frightening place to her.  Her husband, Kenny, is also sick and sounds like he might have pneumonia as well.  My sister, Becky, told me that her husband, Darrell, is very sick with a terrible cough; so he had to go to urgent care today as well.  They don't even live anywhere near each other.  

I finally had some time to create a tag for Aurora Wings "Anything But A Card' blog challenge.  I used Aurora Wings "Wine Sprite" (PNG version); which is so adorable!  I don't drink alcohol; but I had to use this digi.  She is just the cutest thing ever!  I love all of Mitzi Sato-Wiuff creations.  You can find her digis at  her Etsy shop or at AuroraWings.comCheck them out.  I own most of her digis and try to keep up with all of her new releases; so I don't miss any of them.  LOL!  They are all fabulous!

I have been trying to get the colors corrected on this photo; as the picture does not show the true colors.  I always have trouble taking pictures of purples.  Does anyone else have that problem?  If you know a solution; please let me know.  It is frustrating and very time consuming.  I tried everything this morning to get the colors correct.  These are all shades of purple, in case you think they are blues.  The ribbon is purple as well; but looks blue in the photo.

This is the PNG version; which allows you to print on digi paper.  There is also a JPG version here.

Close Up View of  Aurora Wings"Wine Sprite"

Supplies used to create this card:

Tags - CTMH Artiste Cartridge (retired)
Hi There - CTMH Thin Cuts (retired)
Tiny Hearts - CTMH Thin Cuts (Can't recall name of set; but there are heart thin cuts available - Z3317 Basic Hearts; but they are larger than these tiny ones.

Image - Aurora Wings "Wine Sprite" (PNG version)
Cardstock - CTMH reverse side of Pansy Cardstock  (All cardstock two different colors; one on each side; making 80 colors plus black and White Daisy.
Ribbon - Offray purple color
Bling - CTMH 3/4 inch Sparkles Flourish (retired)

Skin - E0000, E000, E00, R30
Hair - RV52, RV63, V06
Dress - V12, V15
Shoes - V15
Leaves - G40, G43
Grapes - V17
Glass - V000, V12, V15

I am entering this card in the following challenges:

613 Avenue Create - Anything Goes w/option (New Digi) (1 of 8) (Sunday)
Lil Patch Of Crafty Friends - Anything Goes (No limit)
A Gem Of A Challenge - Happy Anything (Celebrate) (No limit) (Saturday)
Allsorts Challenge Blog - Something New (digi) (1 of 3)
Catch The Bug - Anything Goes (1 of 3)
Crafty Friends Challenge - For a Girl or Lady (1 of 3)
Crazy 4 Challenges - Tag You're It (No limit)
Hiding In My Craft Room - Favorite Colors (1 of 3)
Crafty Catz - Anything Goes w/Sparkle (1 of 3) (Friday)
Emerald City Craft Challenges - Anything Goes (1 of 3)
Polkadoodles - Anything Goes (1 of 2)
QKR Stampede - Anything Goes (1 of 3)
Cute Card Thursday - Anything Goes (No limit)  (Thursday)
 DL.Art Linky Challenge - Anything Goes (1 per day)
Inspiration Destination - Anything Goes (No limit) (Wednesday)
Simon Says Wednesday Challenge - Something New (New Digi) (2 of 5)
 Word Art Wednesday - Anything Goes (2 of 5)
Through The Craft Room Door - Anything Goes (1 of 2) (Tuesday)
Aurora Wings Challenge Blog - Anything But A Card (1 of 3) (Monday)
A Bit More Time To Craft - Anything Goes (No limit) (Other Date)
A Perfect Time To Craft - Anything Goes (2 of 3) 
 Classic Design Team Challenge Blog - (2 of 3)
Crafty Hazelnut's Patterned Paper Challenge - Anything Goes (No limit)
 Eclectic Ellapu - Anything Goes (No limit)  
Love To Craft Challenge Blog - Anything Goes (1 of 5) 
World Wide Open Design Team Challenge - Anything Goes (3 of 3)

January Stamp Of The Month
Only $5 with $50 order
Or Order for $17.95 with no order

National Papercrafting Month — Love Letters
January 2018 Monthly Special

Our National Papercrafting Special will feature a set of beautiful letter kits designed to be used as elegant monogram décor pieces. Each kit comes with a sturdy chipboard base, a paper and rose-gold overlay piece, die-cut florals, banners, and rose-gold foil alphabet stickers. Review the materials below for complete details about this special.

Thank you visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoy my creations.  I appreciate all of you.  Be sure to check out my tabs at the top of the page for my videos, tutorials, clubs, specials and more.   You can earn FREE products by joining my Rewards club.  You earn approximately 17% on your orders - with my FREE CTMH Hostess Rewards.  Please email or Facebook message me with your questions.

Remember - Keep On Creating!!
It's Good For Your Health!!


  1. Oh what a gorgeous image and nicely coloured too with such pretty colours. Nice work, looks great. Thank you for sharing with us over here at "A Perfect Time To Craft" and best of luck with your entry.

    Annette DT for

  2. Back again, and again, so beautiful and nice work. Thank you for sharing with us here today at World Wide Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.

    Annette DT Registered Owners/Admin for World Wide Open Design Team Challenge

  3. Loving the image, she is so cute, for any occasion. Such pretty colours too, yes! I have problems with purple too, I try, sometimes successfully, to adjust in Photoshop. I'm not that good at that though LOL.

    Sorry to hear about your Sister and the family, sounds like the Australian flu has reached your parts. It's causing a few problems this side of the pond too. Hope their better soon.

  4. Precious tag Gloria, and with one of my favorite Sprites. Your purples look fab to me, and yes, I do have trouble with photographing them at times. Sometimes it seems to have something to do with the other colors I use in my project. Love your little gem accents and your pretty bow, too. Thanks so much for joining our 'Anything But a Card' challenge at Aurora Wings. xxD (P.S. Hope your family feels better soon and stay well.)

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your project and creativity at 613 Gloria! Really lovely blending and shading on this - and your color choices of the greens and violets are nice together. By the way, it may be your monitor Gloria - I see the ribbon as a blue-purple - but definitely purple!
    ~ginny, DT for 613 Ave C
    RubberMAD (

  6. This is so sweet. I love it.
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes January Linky Challenge. Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.

    DL.ART crinkle ribbon

  7. Beautifully coloured image and a lovely card! The colours are amazing! Thank you for playing with us at Through The Craftroom Door ATG Challenge and looking forward to seeing you again next time! Good luck!
    Sunila and Aditi- DT

  8. I'm seeing the purple just fine! Doesn't look blue to me. Adorable tag! Thanks for linking to #334 favorite colors of 3 for the 1st Saturday of the month challenge at HIMCR! Becca~DT

  9. Lovely and pretty creation.
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m

  10. Beautiful tag! Such a sweet image! Love the pretty background too!

    Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!


  11. What a fab image and love how you have used the colour thank you for sharing it with us over at Crafty Catz this week good luck in the draw and hope to see you back very soon.

  12. What a beautiful tag! I love the colors you used and she is so sweet with her glass of wine! Thanks for sharing with us at DL.ART Challenges!

  13. She is a beautiful sprite, looking quite purple to me. Thanks for joining us this week at QKR Stampede. Julie, DT Member.

  14. Thanks for joining Allsorts challenge with this great entry, good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  15. Such a cute beauty...
    Thank you so much for joining us at Polkadoodles Craft Challenge Anything Goes.
    Hugs, Tina – DT
    Polkadoodles Challenge

  16. GORGEOUS!!!!! Thanks for joining us at Hiding In My Craft Room! Miranda DT

  17. Hello Thanks for sharing your tag with us at Crafty Friends Challenge Blog… your tag is lovely and fits perfectly with our ‘For a Girl/Lady’ theme… good luck in the draw and please join us again.
    Diane Louise
    [Team Leader for Crafty Friends Challenge Blog]

  18. This tag is sweet, Do you take your pictures in natural light or with a lamp? maybe you need to use a white or led lamp to get the results you want with the purples, but I see that your picture is very good. Thank you for play with us in Polkadoodles Craft Challenge - Anything goes.

    1. I use a box with a natural light lamp. I have tried natural light; but it still looks blue. Thanks.

  19. Beautiful tag Gloria...she's so pretty and looks beautiful with the digi papers....Thank you for using and joining us at A Bit More Time To Craft Challenge...Good luck in draw...Hugs Lozzy xx
    hope you and your family are all feeling better now x

  20. This is just lovely! Thanks so much for playin' along with the Catch The Bug/Bugaboo Stamps Anything Goes challenge! We hope you'll join us this week for our 8th Birthday Bash Celebration - complete with a week long celebration AND LOTS of PRIZES!!
    Hugs & Happy Days!
    Min - Bugaboo Stamps Asst DT Coordinator

  21. Aww! Super sweet image a your tag is lovely. Thanks for joining in at Polkadoodles :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  22. Gorgeous and beautiful Gloria xx
    Thank you for sharing with us over here at "A Perfect Time To Craft" and best of luck with your entry.

    Dianne DT for

  23. A great project - thanks for sharing it with us at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends.

    Helen x

  24. Perhaps that's what I am! Great project. Thanks for sharing this work with us at Eclectic Ellapu and Happy New Crafting Year!

  25. Oh, Gloria, she's such a sweet little sprite! Fab coloring. I'm wearing 2 DT hats today - Thanks so much for playing along with us in our Anything Goes challenge at Emerald City and also at QKR Stampede. Good luck in both of them.
    NanaConnie DT


Hi to all you wonderful bloggers!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments and support. I would love to have you as a member. Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy my blog. Gloria