
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Google Account Required To Follow Google Blogger

Hello friends.  I posted this message in December 2015; but wanted to do it again.  Blogger is deleting many of our followers every day; because they now require a google account for you to be able to follow Blogger blogs.   Please take the time to create a Google account; so you can continue to follow your favorite blogs.  After you have created a Google account; you will need to go back and rejoin all of your favorite blogs; as you have been removed from all of them, if you did not have a Google account.  

Here is an announcement from Blogger; with changes that could affect anyone who does not have a Google account.  Apparently, starting the week of Jan. 11; everyone will be required to have a Google account to follow blogs.  Please read message below.  It is an easy fix; but does require everyone to have a google account.

Posted: December 21, 2015

In 2011, we announced the retirement of Google Friend Connect for all non-Blogger sites. We made an exception for Blogger to give readers an easy way to follow blogs using a variety of accounts. Yet over time, we’ve seen that most people sign into Friend Connect with a Google Account. So, in an effort to streamline, in the next few weeks we’ll be making some changes that will eventually require readers to have a Google Account to sign into Friend Connect and follow blogs.

As part of this plan, starting the week of January 11, we’ll remove the ability for people with Twitter, Yahoo, Orkut or other Open Id providers to sign in to Google Friend Connect and follow blogs. At the same time, we’ll remove non-Google Account profiles so you may see a decrease in your blog follower count.

We encourage you to tell affected readers (perhaps via a blog post), that if they use a non-Google Account to follow your blog, they need to sign up for a Google Account, and re-follow your blog. With a Google Account, they’ll get blogs added to their Reading List, making it easier for them to see the latest posts and activity of the blogs they follow.

We know how important followers are to all bloggers, but we believe this change will improve the experience for both you and your readers.

Posted by Michael Goddard, Software Engineer

I am sorry if this causes any of my followers issues; but I hope you will be willing to create a Google account; so that you can continue to follow anyone who has a blog with blogger.  You will need to create a Google account and become a follower again; as they will remove all the followers who do not have Google accounts.

I appreciate all of my followers and hope to see all of you still on my followers list next year.  

Thank you for taking time to read this information.  

Have a Wonderful and Blessed 2016!
Happy New Year!

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Hi to all you wonderful bloggers!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments and support. I would love to have you as a member. Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy my blog. Gloria