
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Please Vote For Me On Facebook - May 26 - 29th!!

Please vote for me between May 26th and May 29th so I can win free products. Thanks so much for your support.  This is the card I entered for the contest.
Gloria submitted a photo to the National Scrapbooking Month Contest for a chance to win $100 in Close To My Heart product.
Contests for Fan Pages enables companies & agencies to easily create & launch branded contests on Facebook Fan Pages within minutes. Available formats: Photo contests, video contests, design contests, logo contests, essay-based contests.

Thanks so much.  I really appreciate your support!! Have a wonderful day!! Keep on Creating!!

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Hi to all you wonderful bloggers!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments and support. I would love to have you as a member. Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy my blog. Gloria